The Shanghai *Cough* Climate
Crazy scenes down in the lobby last night. The windows were all steamed up and not because the air was so warm inside compared to the outside January temperature, but vice versa.
It was almost felt tropical how warm it was out last night. This sparks the conversation about the weather in China which has hit global news this past week.
Shanghai which suffers from near hazardous levels of polluted skies has a conundrum on it's hands.
To keep up their record growth, the environment may have to suffer. Urbanization from China's vast countryside must continue to keep the factories working. Cars are a result of Chinese people's new spending power, restricting this consumerism would limit the growth.
Shanghai as the Expo city in 2010, had the motto "Better City, Better Life'. I think if these problems continue, people might start to question coming to the big cities if it means living unhealthily.
Easterly winds expected this week are supposed to blow some of the clouds away from the city. But I think the government officials have some tough decisions to make.
Mensa's Dad
I finish my teenager class in my week-end school at 12:30, I then have an hour to my lunch. I went Western this time, Spaghetti Carbonara.
There is always a kid from my 1:30 class who always comes early. And right on cue as I was tucking into my Spag Carb, Mensa arrives.
'Yes, yes Mensa Hello. How are you?'
He is in kindergarten so soon runs off. But his Dad calls me over and once I identify Winchester, my hometown, on a map to him, he soon invites me to drink with him tonight.
He had proposed the 'Baijo' a 52% rice liquid (drank at our house party remember), but I said proudly in Mandurin
'Wo xihuan he ping de pijuo' I like to drink bottle of beer.
We meet up at VINO bar for 8pm. Lots of neon lights outside suggest a dive, but it is in fact one of the nicest bars I'd stepped into.
Great array of bottles of beers and I went for a German one, Schofferhofer, which btw is a great tasting beverage.
Mr GuiXing (Mensa's Dad) paid for it, and for the rest of the ones had that night. He was with a friend already, Mr Fan.
I got my first taste of Chinese people introducing themselves with their family name. The Chinese people I'd met before had usually just given their English name.
The night involved drinking, with Mr GuiXing rather amusingly chinking glasses with me every time he drank, and mainly listening from my part.
It ended with Mr Fan dropping me off home having given me a job to teach his daughter English over the week-ends. Woo hoo another tuition job!
I have time on my hands atm so a tuition job is just what I wanted so very happy!